Dr Brock Rondeau

Dr Brock Rondeau is a dentist who practices in London, Ontario (Canada) and who lectures to other dentists on the subject of orthodontics, orthopedics, snoring and TMJ. He is recognized as one of the leaders in the orthodontic profession in the area of early treatment and functional appliances.

I first took his orthodontics course in the year 2003, and I was stimulated to practice dentistry at a different level, to help my patients oral health, but also overall health. I have since taken many courses that Dr Rondeau offers, including TMJ and sleep apnea.

List of all dentists

Dr Brock Rondeau | Dr Caroline Trinh | Dr Marie-Claude Michaud | Dr Mona Lisa Karazivan | Dr Mysa Vovan | Dr Nimatt Pertick

Sleep apnea and snoring facts

Sleep apnea is a condition in which the airway completely closes when a person sleeps. Here are some facts about snoring and sleep apnea:

  • In the USA, 75 million people suffer from snoring.
  • As many as 18 million Americans suffer from undiagnosed and untreated sleep apnea.
  • Snoring and sleep apnea increase the risk of hypertension, heart disease and stroke.
  • Oral appliances offer non-invasive treatment to sleep apnea. Surgery is invasive and costly with unpredictable results, while the CPAP is worn by less than 50% of its owners because of discomfort.
  • 60% of males and 40% of females over the age of 60 snore.
  • Loudness of snoring can reach as high as 90 decibels, the range that ear protectors are required in the workplace.
  • Several states in the USA have announced legislation that requires commercial drivers undergo medical evaluation for sleep disorders before issuing renewal licenses.
  • Recently published research establishes dental appliances as the first line of treatment for snoring and mild to moderate sleep apnea. In a study, ten of the eleven patients successfully treated for sleep apnea, with both the CPAP and a dental appliance preferred the dental appliance as their long term treatment option.

Full Article: Sleep Apnea
Source: Breathing Easier
In French: À propos de l’apnée du sommeil et le ronflement