How does it feel to be numb at the dentist?

As the people’s oral hygiene becomes better, generation after generation, people are going to need less dental treatments. This is a very good thing! But for those who occasionally need a small filling, or other treatment, they might apprehend the “needle” they will receive at the beginning of their appointment.

What should you expect from dental anaesthesia?

First your dentist will inject you with the anaesthetic solution. Most dentists apply a spray or gel first, to numb the area of the injection so you could feel less the needle. Each person has a different perception of pain, therefore the injection might be completely painless, or cause some discomfort or mild pain. Then when it kicks in, you will feel tingling at the numbed area.

Depending of which tooth needs to be anaesthetized, sometimes the numbing sensation can affect only that tooth, or it could be a whole section of your mouth. The neighbouring lip, tongue, cheek, or even nose can also get numb.

Today’s anaesthetics are very good, but not always efficient from one injection. If you feel pain when your dentist starts working, it is important to advise him or her. Sometimes more injections are needed.

There are different types of anaesthetic solutions. Some last a few moments, where others last several hours. The choice is made by your dentist depending on your health, and the type of treatment that is planned.

When the anaesthesia wears off, you will feel tingling and then your mouth will be normal. You might feel pain at the injection site for a few days.

Very rarely someone can have the numbing effect last a few days or a few months. This is called paresthesia. But there are no documented cases where paresthesia lasted throughout someone’s life just from the injection.


Nature, Articaine buccal infiltration vs lidocaine inferior dental block – a review of the literature.

Is it necessary to take powerful painkillers after a root canal?

Root canals are often associated with pain. Sometimes intense pain, but that is not caused by the root canal itself, but by the infection or inflammation of the pulp (inside) of the tooth before the procedure is done.

When someone goes to the dentist for a root canal, they are completely numb under local anaesthetics and no pain is felt during the procedure.

There could be however some pain felt after a root canal and it is usually caused by remaining inflammation around the roots that slowly heals. This pain only lasts for a temporary amount of time, from a few days, rarely up to a few weeks. This type of pain can be relieved with common painkillers like anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), or with acetaminophen (Tylenol).

In case of more severe pain that persists months after the root canal procedure has been done, it is recommended to consult your dentist or your endodontist to verify if there were any complications.


Is it normal for a tooth that had a root canal to remain sensitive?

The whole reason why a tooth undergoes a root canal procedure is to remove the nerve and not to have pain anymore. Mild pain can be felt on a tooth but only for a few weeks following the procedure. Persistent pain months after the treatment is not normal.

Sometimes a minor adjustment on the filling or the crown is needed to eliminate the pain. Among the reasons why there is persistent pain are hidden canals that were not cleaned during the procedure, or the root of the tooth itself that is fractured.

In rare cases where pain is still present months after the procedure and all proper adjustments were done, your dentist might refer you to a specialist for root canals called endodontist. The specialist will find the proper diagnosis and have the tooth treated when possible. But in cases where the root itself is broken, no treatment can be done to save the tooth and unfortunately it would have to be extracted.


Teeth grinding symptoms

How can you tell that you are grinding your teeth? Bruxism is an anomaly where the person affected grinds his or her teeth. Bruxism occurs in most people, but is often light, or occasional, and does not affect someone’s health. But when tooth grinding becomes more frequent, it may initiate significant complications, leading to severe damage towards the jaws and teeth.

Since teeth grinding occurs mostly during sleep, people may not be aware of it. However, a migraine or jaw pain, especially in the morning, are symptoms that suggest the presence of bruxism. Many people learn that they grind their teeth from their spouses who hear teeth grinding during the night.

If you suspect that you are suffering from teeth grinding, you are recommended to consult your dentist. He or she will check for signs of bruxism, such as tooth wear or cracking of the jaw, and propose a convenient treatment.

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What reasons might cause people to lose their teeth?

Tooth Loss
Tooth Loss

Tooth loss is an unhealthy situation and many people believe it is something inevitable when you grow old. The fact is you don’t need to lose your teeth if you take care of them all your life. They will help you savour foods and nourish yourself in order to maintain you healthy for a long time.

By understanding the reasons why people might lose their teeth, it is possible to give a smart attention to your overall oral health in order to keep your teeth healthy all your life. Here are the causes of tooth loss:

  • Poor oral hygiene increases the chances of you getting tooth decay and gum disease. Dentists advise to brush your teeth after each meal, or at least twice a day, and to floss at least once a day. It is also recommended to visit your dentist every six months for a check-ups and cleanings.
  • Poor nutrition can ruin your teeth. Foods that contain a lot of sugar and acids can damage your teeth and gums. Such diets initiate cavities.
  • Poor habits such as tooth grinding (bruxism) uses up your teeth over the years and make them shorter. People who grind intensely can also fracture their teeth. Smoking can make gum disease worse, which leads to tooth loss.
  • If your kids play contact sports such as football, hockey, basketball and martial, they should wear a mouth guard to prevent trauma that can fracture of injure a tooth.
  • Some people have an intense fear of dentists and never visit one, even if they are suffering from severe tooth ache. Not seeing a dentist for a problem in your mouth can worsen the condition over time and eventually lead to tooth loss.
  • Some people cannot afford dental treatments. But it’s not everything done by dentists that’s overly expensive. Sometimes you can alternative treatments that are less costly. Remember also that preventing problems costs less than repairing problems.

Full article: Causes and Consequences of Tooth Loss
In French: Pour quelles raisons les gens peuvent-ils perdre leurs dents?

Why is it bad to smoke after tooth extraction?

Man in Pain, Wanting to SmokeSmoking is very bad for your health, and especially after your dentist has removed a tooth. Ideally, if you need to smoke, you must wait 48 to 72 hours after the surgery. If someone tells you to wait only 4 hours, do it at your own risk!

The reason you must wait is that smoking can slow down the healing process in your mouth, and even cause serious complications. The smoke has chemical toxins that not only harm your lungs but also your surgery site. Also, the suction done when smoking can dislodge the blood cloth from the socket it is in.

One major complication is called dry socket. It is a very painful condition around the tooth extraction site, which can cause bad smell and limit how big your open your mouth. It usually happens 3-4 days after the surgery. If you do nothing, it will eventually go away, but if you see a dentist, he can put a desensitizing drug to make it go faster.

Full Article: When Can Someone Smoke after a Tooth Extraction?
In French: Pourquoi est-ce qu’il ne faut pas fumer après avoir enlevé une dent?

What causes sensitive teeth?

Sensitive TeethIt is such a burden to suffer from a sensitive tooth. It bothers during meals, while drinking something hot or cold, even sometimes while breathing air through the mouth.

There are many factors that can cause sensitive teeth:

  • Brushing the teeth in a hard or strong way can wear out the enamel and cause tooth sensitivity.
  • If the gum level recedes, due to gum disease or vigorous brushing, the root becomes exposed, making the tooth sensitive.
  • A fracture of a tooth can expose the dentin.
  • Cavities and tooth decay can of course cause the teeth to be sensitive.
  • Grinding the teeth wears down the enamel.
  • Tooth whitening products can cause a temporary sensitivity to the teeth.
  • Certain mouthwashes are acidic and long term use can wear away the enamel of the tooth.
  • Foods high in acid content, such as soft drinks, citric fruits, or ice-tea, wear out the enamel if consumed excessively.
  • Recent dental treatments (fillings, cleanings, root canals or crowns) can cause sensitivity to the repaired tooth for a few weeks.

A severe tooth ache, that is constant and prevents sleep, can be the cause of more serious problems and should be checked by a dentist as soon as possible.


  1. Tooth sensitivity (sensitive teeth)
  2. Sensitive teeth
  3. Dents sensibles

How to stop teeth grinding

Bite SplintIf someone suspects teeth grinding, either because the dentist noted it or the spouse complained about it, there are many ways to control it, depending on how severe the grinding is.

If the teeth grinding occurs during the daytime, it is possible to be conscious about it and try not to put the upper and lower teeth tightly against each other.

If it happens during the nighttime, these simple procedures can help for mild cases:

  • Reduce stress.
  • Reduce foods containing caffeine.
  • Relax the chewing muscles in the evening by applying a wet and warm cloth to the face.

If all these don’t work, the dentist can fabricate a bite splint that should be worn at night. A bite splint is an acrylic appliance that is custom made for each person. It can be worn either on the upper teeth, or the lower teeth, which helps to prevent teeth grinding when it is well adjusted by the dentist.

Source: Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)?
In French: Comment arrêter le grincement des dents?

When can someone smoke after tooth extraction?

Following dental extraction, which includes the removal of wisdom teeth, a lot of people who are smokers may ask themselves when can they start smoking again.

After tooth extraction, a blood clot slowly forms in the hole left in the bone by the removed tooth. This blood cloth is the initial phase of the healing process. The blood cloth’s formation can be slowed down when a person smokes, either from the suction done during the smoking action, or from the chemical toxins that come from a cigarette. This can lead to complications such as a dry socket, which is a temporary and very painful condition that occurs when the blood cloth forms slowly.

It is therefore recommended to wait at least 48 to 72 hours before smoking after a dental extraction. Smoking is very bad for someone’s health and stopping completely is mostly recommended.


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